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Intermediate – Advanced Surf Coaching Week

Surf Coaching Week Fuerteventura

Surfing to the next Level!

Surf Coaching Week Fuerteventura

Surfing to the next level!
16.11.24 – 23.11.24
Intermediate - Advanced Surf Coaching Week
Fuerteventura Rapa Nui Surfcamp

This special training week with Gilles Noah Rese (GNR-Surfcoaching)  is suitable for all intermediate and advanced surfers who want to improve their technique in the green waves.

Gilles Noah offers personalised coaching focusing on turns, timing, positioning, parallel surfing and using your body weight correctly to paddle into waves. We take you to different line-ups and explain the respective spots and conditions and point out any risks.

During the surf week, you will be encouraged to make independent decisions that will be required of you later in your surfing life.

Surf Week Features

  • 7 overnight stays in a fully equipped apartment Bahia Calma for 2 persons
  • 5 days surf coaching with Gilles Noah Rese
  • 1 coaching session per day approx. 2.5 hrs.
  • including all equipment (the latest boards from Indio, Ocean Earth and Softech)
  • Free training with surf skates
  • Video coaching, video feedback
  • Yoga, focus on stretching (optional)
  • Goodie Bag


Price:  €829,– p.Person

Your Coach & Training Day

Your coach Gilles Noah Rese

Gilles surfed 4 years in the German National Team, was German Open Champion 2024 and ADH Champion 2024. Through his professional and in-depth training as a pro surfer, in terms of efficient diagnosis and coaching strategies, he will improve your confidence in your skills, knowledge of waves and biomechanics so that you can achieve your personal surfing goals.

What a training day looks like

After a pleasant meeting on Saturday, we check the conditions on the first day and determine the line-up. We then start in the waves, where we place great emphasis on improving your position on the board in order to paddle the green waves more efficiently and reliably and to surf parallel for as long as possible (including bottom turns and cutbacks).

You will learn how to play with the speed of the surfboard in the wave and improve your timing as well as important line-up rules for controlled surfing. We will accompany you with the video camera and analyse everything in the evening in a relaxed atmosphere.

Features & Price

Included in the price:

- 7 nights in a fully equipped apartment Bahia Calma for 2 persons
- 5 x surf coaching with Gilles Noah Rese
- 1 coaching session per day approx. 2.5 hours including all equipment (the latest boards from Indio, Ocean Earth and Softech)
- Coaching in the selection of surf equipment, tidal stands and surf spots
- Free training with surf skates
- Video coaching, video feedback (2 x per week)
- Yoga, focus on stretching (optional)

All together  €829,- p. person

only surf coaching

€420,- p. person

Request & Booking
Call: +34 928 549 140

WhatsApp: +34 618 314 727